Sunday, June 26, 2011

2011 Graduation!

This month has been extremely busy!  Jon has fully particated in the senior events this past month leading up to graduation. Senior Ball, Senior Bash and the Senior Convocation Ceremony.  Jon has always had a fighting spirit.  He made a decision early on not to let Duchenne get in his way.  We had an issue with the Convocation Ceremony causing Jon not be able to stand from the seat he was sitting in.  The chairs in the auditorium have moveable seat bottoms, that are not stationary.  As a result of not being able to keep the seat flat he couldn't stand by himself to go up and recieve his award when his name was called.  The presenter couldn't see what was going on so she finished her presentation. I leaned over to my husband and said, "Jon can't get off the chair."  The principal was sitting close to Jon and figured out what was going on, Jon was helped to a standing position and was called up on stage at the end of ceremony to accept his award.   

As a result, of this bump in the road, my husband and I met with the high school administrators to discuss graduation preparation.  As we were discussing the preparations. I could hear Pat Moeschen's voice in my head telling a story of a discussion he and his father had regarding using a wheelchair.  "If I'm sitting down I'm disabled, If I'm standing up I'm not."  Jon has a very similiar attitude regarding using a wheelchair.   Jon usually won't use a wheelchair.  As I asked the school administrators questions regarding how the ceremony was going to work, I could hear Pat's voice again in my head describing what his father said  to him regarding the use of the chair "Shut up and just get in the damn chair; we will be able to do a lot more stuff and have a lot more fun on this trip, without you whining and me wanting to destroy you, because you have to rest every 15 minutes."  As a parent, I could relate to Pat's Dad at that moment. 

As my husband and I further discussed the details of the ceremony with the school administrators, we decided to come up with a compromise.  Jon would use his wheelchair for the processional, and sit through most of the ceremony.  When it was time for the presenting of diplomas he would be pushed over to the stage area where he could stand and walk accross the stage to receive his diploma and walk back to his chair. We discussed who would push Jon into the ceremony, the administrators said "We won't have a problem finding a teacher, they would all probably fight for the chance; Jon is really a likable guy and he will be missed next year."    When my husband and I came home from the meeting we spoke to Jon regarding the chair.  Jon's reaction was typical, "Mom I can walk in with eveyone else."  I said "Jon there are 350 kids in your graduating class.  You will hold everyone else up during the processional. Do you want to fall in front of 5000 people and have someone lift you up in front of all those people?".  His reply to me was classic Jon,  "OK, I will use the chair, but I don't want my Mom or Dad pushing me, I'm friggen 17."   I said "No problem, we won't be pushing you, one of the teachers will push you over to the stage area and lift you when it's time for you stand."
We scheduled a private rehearsal so Jon could practice walking accross the stage wearing is Cap and Gown.  It went fine without any problems.  We wanted to make sure the gown didn't cause any issues with his gait. My husband went with Jon to the rehersal with all the other kids, so we could make sure that the plan would work and we could show the teacher how to lift Jon.  Both rehersals went fine.   Jon and the school administrators were comfortable with how things will work out.

I asked Jon if he wanted to decorate his chair in the school colors. Jon said yeah, but I don't want anything too childish and Mom don't go overboard OK." I said how 'bout the FIRST Robotic team 1511 Rolling Thunder colors. His chair already had red underglow lights on it from other FIRST Robotics team events. He agreed. The arms and the back had red camo. On the back panel we put red and black graduation caps. The wheel spokes had red and white streamers threaded through them.

Jon the graduate and his chair where now both ready for graduation.  Graduation went off without a hitch.  When Jon's name was announced he walked accross the stage to a huge cheer from his classmates and the people in attendance!  His classmates showed Jon how much he inspired them.  

Jon has a busy summer planned.  Between the medical visits to Toronto, Utah and Gainsville; attending the PPMD conference and attending Double H camp, Jon plans on starting to write his Sci Fi book series and get ready to study Biology at Nazareth College. 

Jon like Theodore Roosvelt has always held to the attitude of "Believe you can and you're halfway there."